Thursday, March 15, 2012

Copper Mountain

Wednesday, March 14th was an awesome day, although at times it was seeming to turn out like just the opposite. The whole spring break crew headed 90 minutes into the mountains for a day of skiing on Copper Mountain. My sister-in-law lent me her FLY North Face snow pants and I felt like I looked pretty cool. Now. I am not the most graceful person in the world. In fact, I'm really clumsy and tend to trip and fall without 6 foot boards strapped to my feet while going downhill slippery white surfaces. Before Wednesday I had been skiing once in my life, in eighth grade, in the UP (that's Upper Peninsula for all you non-midwesterners) 11 hours north of my hometown in Wisconsin. My method that time was to go directly straight down at blistering speeds until I fell or ran into something. That method can work on bunny hills in Northern Michigan when you are 13, but is not so hot up in the Rockies as an adult. Karley was kind enough to teach me how to snowplow and make my "S" shapes to make my way down.

Let's just say those first fifteen minutes were PRETTY DANG FRUSTRATING. I fell all awkwardly and got my knee twisted in weird angles until Karley shuffled over and unclipped my boot from the ski. After gulping back a few tears (and letting some others slip out) I got myself together and kept going. Karley, Mel, and Susan hung with me all day and were the most patient friends a girl could ask for. Each time down I got a little bit better and by the time lunch rolled around I could make it down without falling (okay maybe only once or twice) the whole time down. Let me tell you, I felt so accomplished! Nevermind the fact that four-year-olds were passing me left and right like it was their job. Nevermind the fact that I fell while getting off not one, but two ski lifts. Ha. That must've looked HILARIOUS. But I digress. The sky was perfectly blue, the snow was blindingly white, the trees were dark green, and the air was cold and fresh. Leisurely making my way down the hill while staring at the breathtaking mountains in front of me is a memory I won't forget. It was SUCH a good time. The video footage below, taken at the top of our favorite little hill, is evidence of these good times. Get yourself out here and spend a day in the mountains! 


  1. Thats pretty interesting that Karley was the instructor. You might as well call up Jordan Jessen the next time you go to help instruct as well! Thanks for sharing all these posts. Its nice to hear about your trip.

  2. Anna! We were just skiing at copper in January! and stayed in a rockin condo in Frisco. So did you hit some of the black diamonds from the summit? lol anyway, nice blogspot. later.
