Sunday, October 2, 2011

Lazy Sunday

Why am I more productive when I don't have the time to be productive? And when presented with the rare gift of free time, I don't accomplish anything?

Usually, I take pride in juggling homework, two on-campus jobs, soccer, classes, friends, living in the house, Bible study, and the occasional babysitting gig. It's when my day isn't penciled full that I lose my direction...those are the days when I have no time management whatsoever.

For example. Today, I had all the time in the world to work on anything I wanted. I guess my one merit was bringing my computer to the Apple store at the mall to get fixed. That took one hour. That left 8 other hours for whatever I wanted. I could have taken a nap to catch up on sleep. Gotten ahead on homework. Cleaned my room. Planned my future. Learned Japanese. You know, the typical "to-do" stuff.

But what did I actually do?

Watched somewhere around 6 episodes of Sex and the City, my latest TV series guilty pleasure. (It's pure filth. Don't do it.) I generally sat around and chit-chatted with whomever was within earshot. Oh and I checked my e-mail once. So I got that going for me. I think I've diagnosed myself: I have Compulsive Lister Disorder. CLD is a serious condition. I need a list to cross off or I'm lost. Let's be honest - sometimes I just write dumb stuff on my lists like "brush teeth" so that I can get the joy of crossing them off! I have CLD because without a filled up schedule I don't know how to function.

Without a to-do list, I resort to-do nothing.

So. Tomorrow is a new day and I shall do better. I'll do better, of course, because I have classes, a meeting, an away soccer game, and won't return home until super late. OH, not to mention the fact that I have a Tuesday jam-packed with homework due and a field trip downtown! Ahhhhh. Now THERE is a day I can get behind.

(If you are not aware of the Lazy Sunday reference in the title, do yourself a favor and watch the SNL video here. Mr. Pibb and Red Vines equals crazy delicious!)

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