Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Ingredients For: A Successful Finals Week

I've had a pretty solid finals week these past few days. Not too dramatic, but just enough scholastic stress was involved to spice up my life a tad. (Yep, I had this song in mind when I wrote that last sentence.) Here are some insider secrets so that you too can have a successful week of final exams.

Oh this stuff. Let me tell you. Dry shampoo is a necessity in times like these. Let's be real: I'm not putting the time into my appearance this time of the semester like I usually do. The hair is NOT being washed as frequently as some could deem socially acceptable. (I don't see this as laziness; rather, it is a shampoo-fund-saving technique.) Take this miracle-worker, give your bangs and roots a spray or two, comb it out, and voila. Much better. You can now push the limit of grossness just a little further before finally showering.

This stuff is like candy. And Lord knows I love candy. Not only is Airborne Vitamin C chewable and delicious, when you eat one (or seven....oops) it gives your immune system that extra little boost you need. While I honestly can't say I feel that much of a difference, I can say it makes me feel like I'm somehow being proactive. And that's important.

Please disregard the Chicago Bears blanket in the background. It's my roommate's, and I'm ashamed that it is even getting face time on my blog. On to the important stuff: snack time. Snack time (usually circa 1 or 2 am) consists of getting creative with the stuff you have left in your cabinet. I had leftover frosting from Christmas cookies last week and generic brand graham crackers who needed a friend. I introduced the two, and they became besties. Gotta say, it, of course, reminded me of a certain Seinfeld episode. Look to the cookie, my friends. Look to the cookie. 

This is my favorite recent discovery. It is a thing of beauty. It is a website that simply gives you the gentle pitter-patter of rainfall as background noise to your study sessions. It is amazing. Now, to take this up another notch, pair this with This playlist on which is full of instrumental study music, and you have yourself a VERY great backdrop for productivity. Or procrastination. You choose. Lauren (remember the punny roommate? She's the one who got her whole left side cut off. She's all right now) is to be credited with this playlist find. It's a keeper. 

So there you have it! All you need to succeed for finals! Ways to cover up your lack of hygiene, things that make you think you are healthy, completely irresponsible food choices, and some fabulous life soundtrack music. Oh. And I suppose during finals week you also need THOSE...

...your notes. Meh, I'd say they're optional. 

1 comment:

  1. great post. This would be a great Courier article, I think. I am currently experiencing the negative effects of not loading up on Item #2.
