Thursday, November 10, 2011

Telephone Pictionary

I am going to tell you how to play one of the easiest, funnest (I am aware that's not a word but I don't care) games that is in existence. It's called Telephone Pictionary and just about anyone can play. I've played this with my roommates, larger groups of college friends, all girls, mixed guys and girls, family members, my friends' parents, pets, and more. It's fun. (It's also super CHEAP.)

1. Go get a stack of paper and cut each sheet into fourths so you you have lots of smaller squares. 
2. Go get a group of friends and/or family. Make sure they're funny, creative, and interesting. If you don't have friends and family like that, get new ones.
3. Sit in a circle around a table with lots of pens and pencils on it. This table would preferably also conveniently hold delicious snacks and drinks, but that part is optional. 

4. This is where the actual game starts, so pay attention. Give each person at the table a stack of paper with a number of papers equal to the number of people. If you have SEVEN people, each person gets a stack of SEVEN papers. If you have 45 people, each person gets a stack of 45 papers. If you are by yourself and have one person at the table, you are lame and should stop trying to play this game.
5. Write a funny or descriptive sentence on the top piece of paper in your stack. Everyone should do this. Then, at the same time, all of the stacks get passed to the LEFT. (Or the RIGHT if you want to be tricky.) You will be then receiving someone else's stack of papers with their written statement on the top.

6. Read the sentence that the last person wrote. Take that paper off the top and place it at the bottom of the stack. Now you will be DRAWING what the last SENTENCE said on the new top piece of paper.
7. Pass again. If you see a DRAWING in front of you, write a SENTENCE that describes the picture. If you see a SENTENCE, you do a DRAWING. So basically you are alternating between writing sentences and drawing pictures, until you receive your original stack of papers back.
8. Now each go in a circle and show your stack of papers in succession and see how much the statement and pictures changed. Hilarity ensues. Good times will be had by all.
9. Repeat steps 1-8.
10. You're welcome!

My sentence, and my friend's mom's drawing of it. 
My drawing, and my friend's sentence description of it. 


  1. How about a round at Christmas?

  2. i say: yes!

    i'll bring treats. maybe i'll make some truffles. it'll be my first batch unsupervised by the truffle queen herself.

  3. haha...i am totally up for it! and truffle queen? hardly. feel free to grab that crown from me!

  4. love this! did this with my eighth graders earlier this year...although they doubted my idea of a game (they were hoping kickball or dodgeball) ...they all LOVED it when we were done : )

  5. yes caitlin - it is just good clean fun. love it :)
