Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Stuff Students Say: April Edition

I got to meet Taylor Swift on Spring Break!
Well I saw a blonde lady. 

I wanna be a teacher like you when I grow up because then I'd be eating flamin' hots alllll day long. (Public Service Announcement: I have never once eaten flamin' hots on the job.)

When she saw what I brought for lunch:
Y'all ain't got no French Fries?!

Do you know what a pineapple looks like before it's cut up?
Oh yeah, that's Spongebob's house!

(Explaining the storyline of Snow White)
Okay so that old ugly lady had give her an apple that went bad and she died. Then that man kissed her and that's the story.

(At recess time)
Me: You're a really fast runner!
Student: My mama made me that way, that's why!

Ms. Gesch imma turn you into a cute pretty dog and take you home with me. 

Tanight imma watch ALL the air bud movies!

My momma is paying me to be nice. That's why I'm so sweet today.

I'll bring you some lasagna tomorrow on your birthday. 
Tomorrow's not my birthday.
It will be. If there's lasagna then it's your birthday.  

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