Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Scratch and Sniff

Tonight I went on a (for me) longish run around my neighborhood. It was glorious for a few reasons. For one, I haven't been running in forever. During the school year, I do Zumba (awesome), intramurals, and sometimes workout DVDs as my exercise. With all that winding down, I need some way of physically expelling stress. The other alternative is to beat up my roommates, and we wouldn't want to end the year that way, now would we? Running and I have a love-hate relationship. However. Without fail, every time when I finish even a short little run, I dig those endorphins. Best feeling ever. For another thing, it smelled SO GOOD outside. The weather has finally gotten nice again. Therefore, neighbors were out cutting the grass after work. Delish. 

This has inspired me to make a list of my top ten favorite smells. And then it turned into top 17 because I couldn't stop. I realize that a good number of them are actually dangerous and kill brain cells and all that good stuff, but I can't help what I like, right? Add your own as you wish. I can almost smell them now. 

Let's roll around in this meadow of delicious smelling grass. All are welcome.
1. Freshly Cut Grass - Okay maybe this isn't my alltime favorite, but since I just smelled it an hour ago I am still loving it.

2. Gasoline - Diesel as well. Yes.

3. Babies after a bath - Is it allowed for adults to use that Johnson & Johnson soap too? I want to smell like this.

4. Bleach - I like that whole "kills everything it touches" smell.

5. Permanent Markers - Sharpies in particular.

6. Baking Brownies - Karyn Koopmans is always good at giving our house this scent.

7. Burning Cigarettes - But the stale smell that follows is pret-ty gross. So don't smell like an ashtray.

8. Bonfires - I happen to believe ones taking place under a starry sky in my Wisconsin backyard smell the best.

9. Barbecue Ribs - I have an obsession with BBQ sauce and always want my babybackbabybackbabybackbabyback....

10. Chlorinated Pools - Smells like my childhood at the Cedar Grove pool.

11. Fabric Softener Sheets - I love my clothes to smell like this.

12. Strawberry Orbit Gum - Especially good smelling in the first few chews.

13. The Annual Gesch Family Christmas Tree - Our house smells like pine needles and sap for like three weeks.

14. Crayola Crayons - Just don't eat them. 2nd-grade Anna can vouch for this piece of advice.

15. Sevilla - Orange trees line the streets. Offer is open for you people to come with me and smell it for yourself!

16. Rubber Cement - Craft time was my fave.

17. Recently Painted Walls - I think it smells better if it's yellow. Or orange.

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