Thursday, August 16, 2012

We Built This City

So...the cheesy side of Ms. Gesch came out last week. This year we are trying to emphasize our Hopes and Dreams, and so we spent a portion of the second week talking and writing down what we all wanted to be true for this year. Together my co-teacher and I thought of building "Dream City" where all the lights on the skyline were made up of the hopes and dreams of our kids. This is the finished product, and because I find it pretty adorable, I thought I'd share one of the things we did together as a class!

Oh. And about my cheesy side. When we gathered all together on the rug, of course I burst out loud into song: "WE BUILT THIS CITY ON HOPPPEEEESSSS ANDDD DREAAAMMMMS!!!" to the classic tune.

Nobody laughed. Meh. You win some, you lose some, right?

Dream City in all its glory
We're working on the silent "e" at the end.
UIC won't know what hit it.
I also would like to be friends forever.
The happy citizens of Dream City. 

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