Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Stuff Students Say: August Edition

Thought I'd start a nice little tradition of sharing the stuff my 2nd graders say each month. There is a TON of material here people. Since this was the first month, the quotes I remembered to write down were primarily the ones they said about me to my face. For some reason I just love their perspective on who I am and why I'm there. Oh and then there's the random one about the raccoon killer. That too.

Are you and Katy Perry twins?

Why is your arm hair white?

Is this YOUR REAL hair?

Ms. Gesch wears contacts. That's why she has green eyes. Eyes are brown until you change 'em. They just LOOK green.

My mom and me we shot a raccoon. We done shot it. Just like that. It started doing a twitch thing on the road and it looked real gross. 

I love you.

You're secretly the nicest teacher I know.

You're a mean teacher.

Is this your first time being a teacher?

Hey white lady! Do you know that you're a white lady?

Ms. Gasssssssh. I had eggs last night for dinner. Do you like eggs for dinner Ms. Gassssh? (Yes, the student always spends triple the emphasis and time on my last name as compared to the other words)

1 comment:

  1. eggs for dinner are my least favorite. and i picture a gollum-esque child saying that with the gassssh emphasis.
