Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Nights Like These

Tonight I thought I'd go to a coffee shop to get some work done. The wifi cut out at the coffee shop, losing an hour of work I had done thanks to a dysfunctional autosave feature, so I closed it and decided to cut my losses and leave. Off I went to finish running my errands.

Upon checking out of target, I noticed that my computer charger was no longer in my bag. I called the coffee shop to see if I left it there, and they said they were sorry but it wasn't there. I went back home defeated, commenting to myself that this kind of thing always happens to my clumsy self. I think, somewhere in the stark and echoing night, I heard the voice of Brian Gesch telling me to work on my  situational awareness.


I parked my car and slushed tragically toward my apartment, when there, lo and behold, in the middle of the street, lay a certain computer charger that I had inadvertently dropped out of my bag upon getting into the car to leave. Sure, it had been run over several times! Sure, it was buried in snow! Sure, the outlet tongs had been bent at completely a 90 degree angle! BUT. It was, nonetheless, my lost charger.

I got back home, ghetto-rigged it back so the tongs were straight, dried it off, and plugged it in, half excited and half worrying that I hadn't dried it enough and was about to electrocute myself. worked. IT WORKED.

No, I didn't get back that hour of work I lost at the coffee shop. But I got my charger back and it works. In fact, it's helping me type this very blog post.

Let's just chalk this Wednesday night up to weirdness and be done with it all. I say this calls for some daydreaming about a honeymoon on the beach, making some tea, and reading a book that's not on an electronic device.

Good night world. I hope your Wednesday is over soon, just like mine is about to be :)

1 comment:

  1. Situation #42,323 chalked up to this ridiculous winter... glad it still worked after all that!
