Sunday, May 31, 2015

Stuff Students Say: May Edition

You guys, we have 3 and a half days left. That's it! I am so so so excited for summer because I've been sprinting to the finish line over here, and am currently drowning in report cards. That being said, I want to hang on to every single day with my kids because this class is so special to me. Here are some of the great things they said this month:

(Discussing different historial flags during Social Studies)
The don't tread on me flag is my favorite because it's like we're telling England you can't walk all over me so watch out!

I was going so high on the swings at recess that the sun almost melted my face!

(After answering a math question correctly in front of the class)
That's how I ROLL! 

(Our principal let the second graders bring their bikes to ride around on the pavement during recess one Wednesday)
This is the best day in the whole world to me! 

Student: Mrs. Whartnaby I have a secret for you so come closer. 
Me: Okay, what do you need?
Student: If I was a grown up and I had a ring I would say will you marry me and give the ring to you.

(Discussing the Last Supper in Bible class)
Wait...isn't this communion? When all the adults get snacks in the front of church? 

Mrs. Whartnaby I didn't know you were a bear hugger!

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