Thursday, January 1, 2015

Stuff Students Say: December Edition

Okay, so yes, it is technically January. And yes, I am going to write two posts in one day because I forgot to post them while it was still officially December. But then I remembered I can do whatever I want on this blog because it's mine! How wonderful. Here's a few gems from December AKA THE MONTH OF CHRISTMAS CRAZY WHEN TEACHERS GO TO SLEEP AT 8:30 PM.

But first things first, do yourself a favor and listen to my kids along with the first graders reciting Luke 2 by clicking on this sentence. 

Student: I have two cats. 
Me: Oh you've never mentioned that you've had pets before. What are their names?
Student: Grace and Mercy. But Grace is dead.

(At recess.)
I stopped a tornado today. 

(Reading a book about Benjamin Franklin.)
Student: Scientists must be so smart if they can create lightning. 
Me: Actually, lightning was already created, it already existed. The scientist in this case discovered that electricity was present in the lightning bolt because it charged the key attached to the kite he was flying.
Student: Woah. You must be a scientist or something. 

Did you know that Christmas is named after Jesus Christ? GET IT?....CHRIST?! CHRIST-MAS! 

(I was playing classical music while they worked quietly.)
Is this called classy music?

Okay is your husband accepting Christmas gifts such as cookies?

Me: We all can think of ways to be more helpful to others. For example, can you think of a way to be helpful to your mom or dad?
Student 1: I help my mom by folding the towels.
Student 2: I help my mom by setting the table.
Student 3: I help my mom by leaving her be alone sometimes and not disturbing her. 

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