Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Stuff Students Say: December Edition

Hey friends! It is January 1st! I should take a little bit of time to reflect on the past year, which for me, has been full of big things but has also gone by in an instant. While I do that, in the meantime, here are a few gems from last month in Room 25.

I am the champion of Miami!

I'm going to steal your coat Ms. Gesch. Then I'm gonna give it to my mom.

Will you marry me?

Student: How do you make a tissue dance?
Me: I don't know - how?
Student: You put a little boogie in it?

Me (in response to one student's answer): What a smart answer!
Another student: Wait wait wait, I'm smart too, right Ms. Gesch? You told me that I was smart before!
Me: Yes. More than one person can be smart!

(Walking in to class 2 hours late)
Student: Ms. Gesch I came to school today.
Me: I know.
Student: Just letting you know. 

Does this school offer milk refills?!

(Yelled at two of her classmates who were hitting each other)
No hitting in school! That's what you do at home. Keep the hitting at home!

Ms. Gesch you got a white pastor? My pastor is black. Is your white pastor good? I think he'd probably be a good one if he's your pastor. 

Student: Ms. Gesch. Michael farted and didn't say excuse me.
Me: Thanks for letting me know.

(As it was snowing outside and we were walking to recess in 15 degree weather)
Is winter over? 

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