Thursday, October 31, 2013

Stuff Students Say: October Edition

Oh boy. Halloween has come and gone, finally. Once I make it through tomorrow, Halloween week, nay, Halloween month will officially be over. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate a good spooky picture book and pumpkin craft just as much as the next guy. But I'll move on past the sugar-highed-antsy-in-their-pantsy class of children that comes along with this month. Here are the quotes that came with the chaos:

Why you put your hair behind your ear Ms. Gesch? It so cute when it's flowy!

Student 1, addressing an embarrassed student 2's dry skin: You never heard of cocoa butter before? Oil up your legs or something!

Ms. Gesch me and him we cousins. She know my gramma so that makes us cousins. When you know the others gramma. That's how you know you cousin. 

Before our field trip to the planetarium...
So wait we going right to the lake? So we going swimming, right?

At the planetarium, to the big yellow model of the sun...
THIS the sun? It's not hot though. You lie to us in school because you told me it's hot. 

Student 1: You eat chicken?
Student 2: Yes.
Student 1: Then yo breath be KICKIN'! 

Three times three equals I want more juice.

Me: I'm going to eat at a Spanish restaurant this weekend. They have food like the food in Spain.
Student: I love Spanish restaurants because you get a fortune cookie AND fried chicken!
Me: Are you sure that was a Spanish restaurant?
Student: Oh yeah. 

Me: What are you doing this weekend?
Student: I'm finding the free candy and going out there to get it all. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all that you do Anna. I love reading your blog.

    Aunt Lee
