Saturday, October 3, 2015

Stuff Students Say: September Edition

The first month at Timothy is done! I'm adjusting, learning, but still totally the newbie. I'm loving my kids, their families, and of course my coworkers already. God's faithfulness still proves to be faithful, even through some changes! Huh. Who woulda thunk. Here are just a few gems from my kids this month:

(During the first few days of school, when I was going over routines for the bathroom procedure.)
Me: We use one pump of soap, wash our hands all the way, and then come right back out so another student can have a turn.
Student: Also, remember to tell the class not to poop on the floor. That happened to me once. It wasn't allowed then either.

Mrs. Whartnaby I know all about DNA and what it is. It's what makes you feel like yourself.

Student: Do you have any extra spoons?
Me: No, I'm so sorry. All out.
*Student proceeds to eat a yogurt and granola parfait with his fingers.*
Me: Ummm. Maybe not how we eat yogurt.

Student: Oh my goodness! In other countries, they worship idols!
Me: Well, you know that we also have idols in this country. Lots of them.
Student: Nope. Because there aren't altars and statues here.
Me: But we put things first before God in our lives, like money and popularity and toys and things. So those kinds of idols are all over. And we probably have more of them than most places.
Student: WOW you are smart! You know the Bible! 

Me: Wow, I'm loving these observations I'm seeing. Great work, scientists!
Student: You know, I've been a scientist since kindergarten. I made a lava lamp in kindergarten and that started it all.

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