These days I'm getting fingerprinted and renamed, unpacking and setting up, learning new curriculum and coworkers. I'm waiting in lines, filling out forms, and catching up with friends for the last few times before the new school year starts and it's all kind of hit me like a hurricane. Devotions, cleaning, and exercising have, of course, all been pushed aside (as I am so easily self-persuaded to do). Why the rush around like this, the false impression I give myself of self-importance to the point where I am out of touch with who I am and what I'm doing here? Maybe it's a first world problem, being caught up in a lot of schedule-y nonsense that keeps the main things from being the main things. I cringe at first-world-problems, that in my comfortable life I trip into a shallow view of the world so easily, but Jesus wasn't joking around with the bit about the camel and the eye of the needle, I suppose. I believe my comings and goings to be so earth shattering that I forget a trip to Target is a luxury and a meal at Chipotle is a delicacy when I really think about my life. Yet here I am, drowning in schedules and getting ready and running around.
And that's when it hits me.
Ah. Yes. Silly me. Psalm 46:10 of course.
The solution to my chaos?
I need only to be still.
In that stillness, I need to order my life after One who ordered the universe into existence before I ever ditched a workout, ignored the laundry, or neglected to read the next passage in my Bible. Jesus Christ is Lord, and so it's all Good. God has it under control, and He has me. So my obedience is what comes next, naturally. Now the hard part is to just practice this sacred art.
Of Being Still.
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