I could go on about how this huge, ever-growing mass of humanity called the VanDrunen family (also dubbed by my grandma as "Yous Kids") is a godly, straight-and-narrow bunch that never messes up. I could say how they're all perfect Christian examples. But then I'd be lying. The best part of this family? They're real! We mess up! We aren't perfect! And that imperfection is what makes me so glad to be a part of the crew. They give me the freedom to truly live, to mess up, and still be welcomed just like anyone else.
You see, there are some clans that put pressure on their kids, worry about appearances to the outside world, and shun any dissenters in their own group who veer to the right or to the left. Not this family, though. This bunch has found a way to have an incredible character and an unflinching backbone, yet live out the acceptance and compassion that can only come from Jesus.
We are far from perfect. We do things we regret. We make mistakes, big and small. But the cool thing? This family, to me, is a testament that the joy in a Christian life is not about the righteousness of ourselves; we find joy in the righteousness of God. When it's God's job to be sovereign, in control, and perfect, that frees me up to just sit back, smile, and say thank you with my life each day.

I've learned so many things from this family. I can't take credit for any of these ideas, I just stole them from watching everyone else live out their daily walk with Jesus. Here are a few.
Believe in people. See the best in them. They will rise to meet your expectations.
Be positive.
Open your home (and table!) to anyone who needs it.
God reveals himself in all denominations, cultures, and people groups. Our family may be mostly Dutch, but we know that our God surely isn't confined to that.
Don't be afraid to change.
Stand by your family. That means through birth or in-laws by marriage. Bad-mouthing the in-laws only hurts yourself. Think of them as your own brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers.
Forgive each other.
Respect your elders.
Aurelio's is the only option for pizza.
Your promises mean something. Back up what you say.
Show up for the people in your life.
Go through the valleys with the people you love. Don't shy away from grief just because it's uncomfortable. Those are the times that bond you together.
Tell people you will pray for them, and then actually go do it.
Eat together.
Every person is valuable.
Be kind to your friends.
Stay humble, because we are where we are only by the grace of God. Don't look down on anyone, because we are all capable of sin and struggle. We're all the same in God's eyes.
Celebrate life, because we have a good God!
(Oh, and one more thing: do goofy things together. See video for evidence.)