Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Stuff Students Say: March Edition

I type these words to you from the couch at my in-laws' place in Scottsdale, Arizona. The shoulders are sunburned and the freckle population on my face is back up to its capacity. I'm loving this week of relaxing, thinking, and being with my new family. I plan to return to the real-world with a new resolve to write more regularly. In the meantime, here are some fabulous one-liners from my ridiculous children.

(After reading a series of books about people who were activists..)
Mrs. Whartnaby we are being activists for children's rights! Just like you told us to be activists! Our cause is that we want longer recesses!

I like you because you aren't a mean teacher, Mrs. Whartnaby. It's just that you get frustrated when kids are being talkative. 

So do birds say "cheep" or "chirp"? I need to know for this bird's speech balloon in my story. 

Student: So orange trees....are they a thing?
Me: You mean are they real? Yes, of course. Oranges grow on orange trees.
Student: Well how are we supposed to know? These vegetables and fruits are coming at us from all different ways of growing!

(Settling a dispute on the playground between two kindergarteners. One said that he was being left out in the game of man vs. monster tag.)
Student: He's not being left out, it's just that we're not playing that game! We aren't playing man vs. monster tag, we're playing zombie vs. monster tag! It's two completely different things!!

(We did a Curiosity Project where students got to research an area of interest, passion, or curiosity that they have.)
Me: What topic do you think I would maybe like to research?
Student: Your topic should be Mr. Brian! Or Teaching!

(Before his Curiosity Project presentation)
I'm just so excited to start...I'M SO EAGER!

Wait a minute. The earth is in space too, it's not just the planets in space? So you're TELLING me we're in space right now?! 

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