I'm sitting here in the Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport in Washington, DC, about to head back to Chicago and real life after this amazing weekend for Alex and Heidi's wedding. I love airports and as I'm sitting here I decided to write up random notes about this airport experience of mine today.
An airport named after Ronald Reagan. My kind of place. |
#1. I am such a Gesch. I can't escape it. I can't deny it. I got to the airport
three and a half hours before my flight leaves. Granted, my parents gave me a ride downtown and had to coordinate it with other obligations, so we didn't really CHOOSE for me to be here this early, but I'd be lying if I said a teeny tiny part of me wasn't a little gleeful at the idea of getting somewhere so far ahead of schedule.
#2. Public transportation isn't too bad. Sometimes it can be daunting, annoying, and crowded, but I've found it so helpful this weekend. Last week Thursday I took the CTA in Chicago to O'Hare, landed in DC, then hopped on the DC Metro to get to Heidi's apartment. Gotta say, the small town Wisconsin girl is starting to catch on. Plus there are super nice people on there! One guy helped me figure out where I needed to switch to the yellow line to get to the airport today out of the goodness of his heart. People helping people...that's what it's all about.
#3. Some people in this airport need to lighten up. Okay, okay, we all get it, YOU HAVE AN IMPORTANT JOB. You may or may not have control over whether you travel around in a full suit and carry all leather bags. Other things, however, you can control. Take the freaking bluetooth out of your ear for two seconds to smile and talk to the check-in desk lady.
How rude. And for you Full House fans, that last sentence
was in fact supposed to be read in the voice of Stephanie Tanner.
#4. Some people in this airport need to step it up. Okay no judgement whatsoever at people who like to travel comfortably. I'll let a pair of leggings go if you're on a trip. Sure. Why not. But as a general PSA to sorority girls everywhere, I'll just say that you don't need to dress up like Lindsay Lohan fresh out of rehab in order to board an airplane. The 3-day bleach blonde messy ponytail, XXXL sunglasses, neon orange headbands, and a triple mega grande latte aren't in fact necessary. If that's what you
actually like to do, great! But I have a sneaking suspicion that someone told you that this was the only way to travel, and I am here to tell you otherwise. You can dress like your regular self. No need for the drama. You're just sitting on a plane. That's all.
#5. Bonding with strangers over the annoying qualities of another stranger is fun. I was sitting in my gate and a kid across the way started to yell/sing the same four notes over and over
and over. After one minute of it, the people in my gate started to give each other "get a load of this" glances and give nods of agreement in our unity against this disturbance of the peace. After 5 minutes of it, someone made a funny comment out loud and we all laughed at how nobody has made their kid stop pesting all the gates in our row with this noise. After 20 minutes, when a
different stranger finally walked up to the kid (who was sitting with his oblivious mother) and kindly asked that he keep it down (which stopped the madness), our whole bench high fived in our gate. I then proceeded to have a great conversation with the mom and daughter next to me flying to Alaska to visit their friend who is a teacher there. Look at that. Who would've thunk that a shrill disruptive child would bring everyone together.
#6. The airport is a great place to support your servicemen/women. As awkward as it can be sometimes, I try to say thanks to people in uniform at airports when we cross paths. I don't sprint out of my way to track everyone down, and sometimes people look like they're in a hurry, but if I pass by, I say something. Not a huge gesture, but I am really impressed that while I am running around to visit friends and family and live my life,
someone else is running around to ensure that I can still do those things freely. With today being September 10th, my mind wanders to friends, family, and strangers who sacrifice for me, someone they night not even know, every day.
#7. The airport is a great place for sentimental moments. I had my own earlier as I hugged my dad goodbye before I got on the Metro. There's just a great air at the airport of wonderful reunions, bittersweet departures, and everything in between. Today I saw a guy stand and wait at the edge of security while his girlfriend waded through the maze of a line to go through to her gate. He sat there for 30 minutes, smiling and nodding every so often when she would look back and smile at him or make a face or wave. When she went through and waved goodbye on the other side he blew a kiss and then left the airport. I know that seems ridiculous, but his extra 30 minutes probably just made her day. Presh.
There's my list for today. I think it's time to book another trip.